Thursday, October 1, 2009

such is this, the world.

it breaks my heart i guess ...
i walk around today and i see injustices everywhere.
the kids i used to play with turned into drug addicted users.
people dying of starvation & disease everywhere
women being hit across the face, epinephrine burning those images in their brains driving them to insanity.
animals being treated like dirt, abused,tortured.
kids being drugged, raped & trafficked to the next war ravaged country,
i can imagine their faces, dirty and frightened, wondering which night will be their last.
homeless people; some blind, some deaf, both.
they walk the streets alone, are beaten by people more fortunate than t

how do such little things get to our heads?
"my crush likes another girl"
"my dad won't buy me new heels"
"my bike broke"
some people have nothing.
no homes.
no food.
no water.
no comfort.
some, no identity.
they are deprived of everything
they have nothing but hope.
we yell and scream if we don't get what we want,
we complain because we can't have our cake and eat it too.
how can we, as human beings be so self centred to the point where we do these things,
but those who have nothing, smile and say well, i guess that's just life.
what about the little girls and boys & the injustices they face?
bullying, swearing, fights etc.
injustice, injustice.
all of these things and for what?
the greed of humanity?
the thirst to feel 'fulfilled' & satisfied in knowing we got what we wanted ?

i admit it, you know.

I'm just like you,
s e l f c e n t r e d.

people can try and deny it but we are, all of us.
sometimes we think so much about ourselves that
we forget about everybody else.
those deprived, those who have nothing.
we are ungrateful, i know i have been.
we take everything for granted, i know i have.
we expect everything to be just the way we wanted it to be.
i did. sometimes i still do.
so I'll give you some advice i should probably be following.

take a deep breath and for once, stop thinking about yourself.
and burden your mind with everyone else's problems.
maybe this way you will understand, by putting yourself in another person's shoes.
just how they're feeling.
do it, for your own good.
for mine, ours, the world's.

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